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Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm here, late but here!

Late, but thankfully still posting on progress! lol After being told favorite colors and themes of some of the little girls that the Petite Dreams home is going to I was having some issue trying to work in one of the colors, or at least work it in enough that it would be really noticed... No more, there will be a purple bathroom -- normally this would just terrify me as far as bright colors in small spaces, but I think it aught to work. I decided to take some of the linoleum that I used for the bathroom floor and carry it up the lower part of the walls, then use the mosaic tiles to make a sort of chair rail border and frame the window(possibly door) as well.

Also have the walls to the Puzzle house glued and drying together, though they're not glued to the floors yet. Want to get the last of the interior wallpapers and siding on, before gluing the floors in. So all in all a good mini-ing day, I think the break helped... as well as the matter of being able to talk over some of what I've been doing with someone who actually listens. Don't really get that with anyone in my family, other than to hear I'm crazy for putting the time into the houses that I do. So tonight after going out in a Jeep and exploring the back roads of the county(seem to be a lot I hadn't a clue about right smack dab in the middle of town lol) -- but was nice as I was gripping the handle, to be able to compare the day's events and doings. Then to actually have some interest shown in my hobby. Just a quick "How are your houses coming?" So small a gesture, and yet it really hit home with me, how little most people pay attention...

I do these as a way to have fun for myself, and hopefully help out some others in the process. But it felt really nice to be able to share that even for a moment or two, and know that someone else actually bothered to listen and care. Have to say it made for a lovely day today.   =)

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